Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Apparently I DID make enough of a ruckus yesterday with my medical group and insurance company....... as I said in my last post..... that I was going to try and sit patiently.... well TRY was the key word..... and it didn't work... after my last post, I was still fired up, so I called my medical group back and had them send another, yes another, email (they had already sent one earlier in the day) to my Insurance company, telling them that it should have already been done and that it needs to be expedited........ after that call, it was already around 5pm, which is when all the medical offices shut down, so I was done for the day....... so that brings me to this morning.... again... i tried to wait patiently for them to call me....... but i only made it until 10am and then i started calling people....... well its a good thing I did because turns out they did get a response, just never bothered to call me...... apparently the Arthrogram didn't need approval....... and they approved the CT..... So GREAT! Perfect...... ok, so now all I need to do is call my doctors office and have them fax a copy of the order for the tests and the approval to the Imaging place before I can schedule...... So i call and leave a message with my doctors office requesting that they do so....... and i call the imaging place letting them know that my doctors office should be sending them over the information........ the girl tells me ok, and that she will call me to schedule when they get the information........ so a couple hours go by and nothing........ now i was trying REALLY hard to not be annoying by calling all the time, but it was really hard!!  My boss called in sick today, so I was in the office ALL alone, with nothing to do and nobody to talk to........ sooooo I couldn't help myself. :)   So i call the *nice* lady's back at the imaging place to check and see if they had gotten the paperwork they needed from my doctors office...... she checks.... and, oh yeah... they did.... but the only thing sent over was the test request and not the authorization........ so she has to call my doctors back and ask for the authorization........ UGHH!  GOOD thing i called because otherwise it would still be sitting there..... so I sit for another 2 hours *patiently* waiting to hear back...... nothing..... so i decide to call again......... and oh gee, what do you know....... they have the authorization, but just never called me back.......

Ok.... now I realize that I might sound like a Biotch, or maybe a little impatient to some people who might be reading this......... but seriously.... I'm not TRYING to be annoying to the nice health care workers........ I understand that its not all about ME........ and i'm not the only person they are dealing with, and the only case they have to take care of....... but that's just it...... I am just a CASE NUMBER to them....... the majority of them could really care less that by just faxing a simple letter or pushing an "authorize" button that it could save me hours and days, even weeks of pain...... If i wouldn't have gotten the authorization this week, then it would be until next week, and then if they Imaging place was booked then i wouldn't be able to get an appointment until the NEXT week..... I know it doesn't seem that long....... and really ... it's not..... for somebody who is NOT in pain every single day....... for people who suffer with chronic pain time is EVERYTHING when it comes to working on a plan to get you pain free.

So...... anyway..... after many, many phone calls today, I FINALLY have my appointments set!!  yay!!!!  I have my CT at 1:15 and then I have to check in for my Bilateral Arthrograms at 2:15 ......... Wait... Bilateral???  YES!!  BILATERAL!!!   (Insert me freaking out RIGHT HERE!) ...... As i was on the phone making the appointment, the girl was reading, more to herself, but out loud the order for the tests as she was putting them into the computer.... she says "  Ok.. we have a CT... and Bilateral Arthrograms...." .......... i said "uh huh ....... Wait.... WHAT?  Did you just say Bilateral??'  and she said " Yup" ........ I said " Ummm no... I thought it was only supposed to be for my right hip" ........ shes quite for a second... and then says " Ummm.. nope... the order right here (as i hear her shaking the paper as if i can see it)   says Bilateral" .......... i respond with..... " Oh...... Ok...... " ......... as my blood pressure spikes to an all time high i'm sure........ Bilateral?? really??  You're really gonna stick that long @ss needle in BOTH of my hips??   I don't understand why this is such a problem with me.......... I am not afraid of needles by any means...... shots, IV's, getting blood taken, tattoos....... all no problem...... but for SOME reason... just the thought of this is making my skin crawl.... I am seriously freaking out.......  and I know some of my hip chicks say it's no big deal...... but then i've heard some horror stories as well....... and i'm sure that a lot of it has to do with the technician doing the insert and everything....... but I think maybe its just the thought of them sticking a long, thick needle into an area that is already inflammed and sore....... its like my tattoo artist going over a spot that he has already done when its all swollen and inflammed......... I guess thats the feeling I imagine, and I am NOT a fan!!!   Definitely asking my doctor for some Valium!! :)    One good thing is that my fellow Hip Chick Alycia is most likely going to be taking me, so that will make me feel SO much better!!  Being there with somebody who has already been through it and knows how i'm feeling.......... If she's not able to, my ex Wes offered to take me...... and he's always been able to comfort me and make me feel safe, so either way, I win.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are funny. And yes sometimes we need to fight for our health to get things done. It is kind of sad when you think about it. I am dealing with it now with the way I am feeling. I will blog about here and you can read it. But I am glad that you didn't just wait and be patient. Instead you held your ground and look now have a CT and MRA scheduled. I was so glad that I didn't have an MRA just an MRI but laying there wasn't fun and the sad thing is I am going to have to repeat the entire thing next year to see how things have been effected and changed from the pregnancy. Lovely because the last one left me in pain and I could hardly get off the table. It is more due because I can't lay on my back. Next time I will ask for something to calm or relax me. I don't want to endure it again. But about the needle being inserted into the hip joint, I feel the exact same way. That being the reason why I can't put myself to have a cortisone injection. I can do labor and delivery without drugs, I can do IVs and shots, but I can't even imagine laying still for a needle being inserted into my hip and being awake. That just sounds like more pain and that isn't something that make me jump for joy. But you are so strong and will do and will get through because you are strong and didn't fight just so you can throw in the towel now. You will get through this and you will do great because you want to get better and be able to live your life like you have always desired. So you keep fighting and being strong.
