Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm alive

Hey everybody!  Ok..... so I know its been awhile since my last post, and I was planning on blogging right after my CT and Bilat Arthrograms last Wednesday...... obviously that didn't happen, So i'll do that now.

On Tuesday night I decided to take one of the pills they gave me to calm me down a little since I was already freaking out and I didn't think I was going to get that much sleep. When I went to look at the pills, I realized that they were not Valium..... they were something generic for Xanax, and they were only 0.5mg per pill. Now I realize i'm not a doctor, or a nurse, and I know nothing about medicine and the correct dosages... but to me 0.5 just seemed small..... but whatever, I went with it,  I took one before bed on Tuesday night to see how I would react with it...... It did nothing for me whatsoever....... but I managed to get to sleep that night pretty easily or easier than I had expected..... so maybe the pill did help after all..... I don't know.   So Wednesday morning...... woke up.... and i'm freaking out already..... i tried to sleep as much as I could to pass the time..... I ended up getting out of bed around 10ish...... I played around on the computer a little.... and I couldn't keep myself calm, so I decided to take a hot bath and try and relax..... whenever i'm not feeling good I always run to the bath, i'm not sure why..... its just become a comfort thing for me....... I had three of the generic xanax pills left, so I decided that I would take one an hour before we left and if it wasn't helping me any while I was there, I would take the other two while I was there..... so thats what happened. We got there and I had to check in with the people who did my CT...... I checked in, did my paperwork, and then got called back pretty quickly....... the CT itself only took like 5 minutes.. not a big deal...... so then they walked me over to check in with MRI...... i filled out my paperwork, and then back I went to the CT people because thats where they do the injections for the Arthrograms ( they are in the same building, like two doors down) ......... we were early, but they took us back and the Radiology Tech who was going to be assisting the Doctor during the injections came and talked to us, explained what was going to happen and everything...... he told us that I could pick one of my parents to go in with me..... seeing as how I was going to be *ahem*  semi-exposed...... I choose my mom, haha. :)   ......... so the tech takes us into a room to explain everything to us, ask me questions and such..... which is when i proceded to tell him that i was "freaking out" ....... a tiny bit embarrasing because he was pretty cute, but he was really cool about it, tried to calm me down and told me i was going to be fine........ i think the xanax started kickin in by then, because i believed him... haha....  well we were running early, so he told me i could wait for about 15-20 mintues before I had to change into my gown if I wanted to....... so I waited for awhile and then just decided to change ....... i changed and came out and sat for about another 10 minutes........ and when he came to get me and my mom, he saw my arm........ my fully tattooed arm....... and I just KNEW what he was going to say......... " oh come on!  If you have that done to your arm, you're going to be FINE in here" ....... haha.... i know, I know!!!   I told him it wasn't the same thing!  Cause it's not! ...... and he also reminded me that
 " yeah, but we're going to numb you...... i KNOW they didn't numb you for that!" ........ :)  true, true....... he wins........ but only cause he was cute ;)
So the procedure....... seriously...... a piece of cake!!  yes, I know...... i freaked out for NOTHING.... I'm not sure if it was the xanax making me feel extremely calm that helped me not feel anything, or if it just really didn't hurt that bad........ It was nice that I had a few distractions during the whole thing, with the tech (Bryant) and the Doctor ( Dr. Puckett)  talking to me about my tattoos and asking me questions the whole time.  I seriously didn't feel a thing..... not really even the prick of the numbing needle....... it was awesome..... I watched it on the monitor which was pretty cool..... and then it was all over...... and done all over again on the left side.......  after I was all done , i was walked over back to the MRI place and taken in for my MRI....  I didn't realize at the time how much the medicine was effecting me because I didn't feel weird or anything..... but the minute I got into the MRI machine.... I don't remember much..... I must have fallen asleep... for almost an hour..... but I do remember waking up in like the last 10 minutes in so much pain..... my left hip/leg was hurting so badly from being in the position that they taped my feet together in for that long..... and the last 10 minutes was horrible knowing that I couldn't move!!!    My mom and dad and I went out to Chilli's for lunch/dinner aftewards.... and when I got home, i went upstairs and told them I was just gonna lay down for an hour or two........ nope...... i was OUT....... all night and all morning the next day.....  When I woke up my left hip felt fine, but had a bruise from where the injection went in...... and my right hip hurt, but had no bruise....... go figure......  for that whole day I couldn't really put pressure on my right leg without having the feeling that it was going to completly give out on me..... so I babied that hip for the next day or two, and then it was back to the "normal" pain that I have in both hips.
I called Dr. Santore's office the next day to make sure I told his assistant henry that I had the tests done and that they should be expecting them...... I also told him that Dr. Santore told me that i could just talk to him over the phone because of all the problems i have with my insurance trying to get approval to see him......  Henry said " ...... oh, i don't know about that..... he didn't say anything to me about that... but i'll let him know about your tests, and tell him that you want him to call you " .......... so i decided to call the referring OS back and tell them that I need to put in for ANOTHER approval to see Dr. Santore.......  IF she would have done it right the first time I wouldn't have to put in for another approval..... *Most* nurses put in for an initial consultation AND a follow up........ and my nurse only put in for the consultation..... so now I have to go through the stupid process of trying to get another approval to see him to go over my test results and talk about surgery........ which I am hoping is not a problem because Dr. Santore is not the one who officially ordered the tests since he was not on my insurance..... Dr. Ezzet ordered the tests FOR Dr. Santore..... so I hope I don't run into any problems reguarding that................  I did my usual calling today when i got back to work...... called my medical group to make sure the request was put in, and then called Dr. Santore's office to make sure that they received my tests results from downstairs..... and Henry said that they did recieve them and they are on Dr. Santore's desk along with a note that I want him to call me........ So .... thats where I'm at :)

I was hesitating on posting this blog because I am switching my blog over to another place..... a blog that I paid for, and that I have more control over what I want to put on it and one that i can customize more..... I was hoping to have that up this weekend and be able to have it all set up, but that hasn't happened yet..... sooooooo...... I thought i would just post an update on here anyway.... I am going to try and get my new blog up this week, but I have a Senior Graduation Invite to make, and I have a Senior photoshoot this weekend, and a few other things going on, so i'll let everybody know when i've made the switch to my new blog...... but for now..... keep checking here :)


  1. Lovin' your posts! It makes me re-live my waiting days, and although I don't ever want to go back to those anxiety filled moments that seemed to drag on and on waiting for results/answers, I have to smile b/c things turned out ok. I can't wait to hear what your results are, so you can get a plan going and just sigh a breath of relief!!! It's just within reach, that knowing. :) Love you to pieces!

  2. Krystal you are funny. You stressed yourself out so much that in the end you did wonderful. It was cute to read. I know what you mean when we work ourself up and get really anxious and then after it is all done, we are the ones that do the best. You are strong so don't underestimate your strength. It that fear of the unknown. I know for me as much as I read about others surgery and recovery that I tell myself I can do this but then I worry that I will be one that can't handle it.
    I can't wait to see your new blog. This will be exciting. I also should try to update my blog but I just feel like I just don't have much to say.
    Waiting is always the hardest. Believe me. I might not have had surgery but I feel like that is all I am doing now is waiting- waiting for the morning sickness to hit full force, waiting for my first OB appt., waiting to see the damage to my hips after this pregnancy, and so on. Waiting is awful but one thing is for sure that we might not understand but somehow in the end everything really does work out for the best. For you it could be the Dr. Santore is going to find a way to fix you up real nice. So as hard as it is try to keep busy, fight for your well being, and hang in there because in the end we are all going to have to feel better.
    Lots of warm wishes being sent your way.
