Saturday, February 6, 2010

Workin on my Fitness

I am gonna try and make this short because my hips are screaming at me right now, especially the left.... but when i start typing sometimes I just cant stop.... so hang in there....
I still don't have an answer from my insurance company besides the usual " We have 30 days to respond, your appeal doesn't close until the 12th of this month" ...... and you can bet your bottom that I'm going to be calling first thing on the 12th..... I'm just so sick of waiting!!  I say that now, but I know the moment I have a date set, time is going to fly by and i'm gonna be stressing about getting everything done beforehand.... but until then.... i'll continue to complain that it's taking FOREVER and I can't wait to just be able to talk to the surgeon.

So anyway, last week I ordered a weight workout called KettleWorx, it was recommened to me by a friend of mine on Facebook. Instead of barbells its a program using a Kettlebell. I am extremely excited about it!!  I know that the stronger I am before going into surgery, the easier it will be during recovery..... at least thats what i've been told..... so i'm excited to start workin on  gettin me some muscles! haha!  :)    I received confirmation that my workout was shipped last week, but it won't be here until the 10th...... Really?  the 10th?  I have to wait 4 more days??   Didn't anybody tell them how impatient I am???  And it's not even fair that they didn't give me an option to pick for shipping..... otherwise I would have paid more to have it shipped here faster.... sooooooo being that I didn't want to wait until Wednesday,  I went out to Target today and bought a Kettlebell there... it came with a DVD workout... it's not the best workout.... but it will do until Wednesday  :)   I'm so excited about it that I actually took pictures of it to show off my new kettlebell....... ok, well actually, I have just been feeling like i've been neglecting my camera and my new lens, so I spent some quality time with my camera today :)    i'll post the pictures below, so that you can ohhhh and awww over my new kettlebell :)

Thats all I have for you folks.... I helped my sister out  today and  helped watch the little ones while she ran out to get a few things.... Domanic really wanted to be held.... and no.. not held while I was sitting down.... he wanted me to stand up, walk around, and hold him until he fell asleep.... man, did that upset my hips.... I didn't realize how bad my hips were getting until tonight.... especially my left... im finding alot of the little things like hold my nephew that never used to bother my hips, or  at least not bother them as much, are really effecting me..... So I think it's off to bed for me.... I have a date with some ibuprofen and a heating pad. 
Night!!  <3

My ticket to strong muscles!!
P.S. Don't laugh...... I know it's only 10lbs.... but i'm a weakling right now... I'll get better  ;)

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand the frustration with waiting. I kept calling the doctor to see if they had received my info. for him to review. ANd I finally received the phone call and have my consultation date set. That made me feel better. My husband keeps telling me "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." So it is ok to kepp on calling. They then know you mean business.
